Welcome to your Family Wish List! This template allows you to keep track of your family’s wants, saving goals, and purchases in an organized and easy-to-manage system. Below is a guide to help you get started using all the views.

Key Features:

How to Use the Family Wish List

1. Adding a New Wish List Item

To add an item to your family’s wish list:

Notion - Family Wish List - Wish List 2024-09-18 at 10.15.48 PM.gif

  1. Click on the + New Button: Start by clicking on the “+ New” button at the top right of the Wish List view.

  2. Fill Out the Item Details:

2. Spending Calendar

The Spending Calendar allows you to map out when you plan to purchase each item. This helps with financial planning and keeping track of upcoming purchases:

Notion - Family Wish List - Wish List 2024-09-18 at 10.48.33 PM.gif

  1. Switch to the Spending Calendar view.

  2. Each item in your wish list will appear as an event on the calendar based on its planned purchase date.

  3. You can add a new purchase event by selecting an item and dragging it into the appropriate date on the calendar.

3. Savings Tracker

Use the Savings Tracker to track how much money has been saved for each item on your list:

Notion - Family Wish List - Wish List 2024-09-18 at 10.49.46 PM.gif

  1. Switch to the Savings Tracker View: This view organizes items by their current savings status.

  2. Savings Progress: Each item displays a percentage of savings progress (e.g., “28% saved for iPad Air” or “59% saved for Desk”). This helps you quickly see how close you are to your savings goal.

  3. Update Savings: The savings percentage is automatically calculated based on the Amount Saved and the Total Price of each item. As you add to the saved amount, the percentage will update to reflect your progress toward the purchase goal.

  4. Status Updates:

4. Organizing Items by Status

To keep track of your family’s priorities and purchases, you can sort items by their status:

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  1. Items will be grouped under categories such as:
  1. This helps you visually see where each item stands and what your next priorities are.

Pro Tips:

With the Family Wish List, managing your family’s spending and savings becomes easier and more strategic. Happy planning and saving!